Well, one found me. And liked me. And I like them a whole heck of a lot.

Now, I want to move beyond the job hunter voice. It was still my authentic voice, but it was restrained. It was self-conscious. It wanted so badly to make a good impression. But, I've found that, when I care too much, my ideas are self-edited before the fingers hit the keyboard. I've found freedom in my new gig, and it's time to celebrate!
I’m still sticking with my Speak the Culture theme, and I’m sure I’ll still write about intercultural, psychology, and human capital theories and models that are rocking my world. But I’ll also bring in work pursuits, my struggles and my innovations. I’ll reflect on the interesting dynamics of going virtual in a profession and role that is all about people and creating community.
I have a new culture to invent, to promote and to speak. I hope you’ll stick with me as I travel that path. I promise it will be an exciting ride!
Great post, Heather! Keep up the awesome work!